RAFA Judges Announced
This year marks our first ever round of RAFAs and we are very excited to announce our list of talented industry judges. The Whicker’s World Foundation Radio and Audio Funding Award is an award for documentary that aims to empower new radio talent by giving away £5000 (£2000 runner-up) to the best idea for an engaging, original and outstanding audio doc.
We are holding our first RAFA Pitch in partnership with the Radio Academy at this year’s Rad/Fest on Tuesday 23rd May. Within the walls of the British Library in London, our five finalists will go head to head in front of the audience for the chance to have their radio documentary brought to life.
We are thrilled with our team of 3 expert judges, who will meet this Tuesday 25th of April to choose their five favourites from the 2016-2017 applicants. The finalists will be announced the next day, giving them a month to prepare for our first ever RAFA pitch.
Over to the judges…
Fi Glover
Fi Glover currently hosts The Listening Project for BBC Radio 4 – an ambitious oral history project being run in conjunction with The British Library.
Alan Hall
Alan Hall has been a radio producer since 1990 and has built a reputation for long-form documentaries, music features and ‘impressionistic radio’. Since leaving the BBC in 1998, having received two Prix Italias and Sonys, he has worked independently, establishing Falling Tree Productions as one of the world’s leading radio production companies. Programmes have received further awards from the Sonys, Prix Europa, Prix Marulic, Prix Bohemia and the Third Coast Festival.
Rob Ketteridge
Rob Ketteridge is the Head of Arts, Documentaries and Drama for BBC Radio & Music Production and genre leader for radio documentaries. He grew up in Manchester, studied English at university and joined the BBC as a trainee in local radio news. Rob worked for several years as a producer of arts programmes and documentaries and in 2003 became Editor of the Documentaries Unit, looking after a wide range of programmes including series with the British Museum such as A History of the World in 100 Objects and Germany: Memories of a Nation.
For information on next year’s round of awards, which will open in Fall 2017 or for tickets to the Whicker’s World Foundation pitch at the Rad/Fest please email in**@wh*********************.com